Remember when you were a child and everything was about creative expression and play? We didn’t put paint on the page or glue popsicle sticks together to win the approval of others – at least not until we were taught that external approval is a measure of our self-worth, but that’s a subject for another day. The act of playing and being creative was both the objective and the reward.
Photography is a fulfilling form of creative expression for me – I see beauty wherever I look now. I’ve taken thousands of photos using only my iPhone. I also take online courses so I can improve my skill and get more creative with photography than I dreamed possible.
Last week, I learned about a new editing app in my current course called the Artistic Academy. I can create watery reflections and add birds, lightning, the sun, fog and other cool effects. Creativity meets technology meets magic! All students are encouraged to post our photos to the Facebook community so we can share and ask for tips and tricks. I’ve learned a lot from the other photography students.

If they don’t play nice, don’t let them in your metaphorical sandbox
When I posted the first photo I created using the new app last week, I got several kind comments. And I got some negative feedback. I added a sun to a photo I took of a rainbow and someone pointed out the sun is in the wrong place. Another person said my photo “doesn’t make any sense”. My gut reaction was defensive. I said out loud, “I didn’t realize my photo has to be astronomically accurate to be beautiful!” The comment felt mean-spirited and unconstructive. And it discouraged me from continuing my learning and playing for a few days.
I took a closer look at why I reacted that way to the comments and what I can learn. I know unconstructive criticism doesn’t inspire me – it triggers feelings of self-doubt. I reminded myself to take what serves me and leave the rest. I also recalled a quote from author and fellow creative Elizabeth Gilbert:
“You do not need anyone’s permission to live a creative life. Whether you think you’re brilliant or you think you’re a loser, just make whatever you need to make and toss it out there.”
Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic
Express yourself for yourself
So, what am I saying to you? Create, create, create. Express yourself for yourself. You never know what your creativity will reveal. The act of creating – like doodling, strumming a guitar on the couch, singing in the shower or taking photos on a nature walk – is where we experience joy and discover something new and often profound. Sure, I want my photos to capture and express beauty but they don’t always have to be – and they won’t be – masterpieces. They definitely don’t always have to be believable. It’s okay to get creative and to play. It’s wonderful to get creative and to play!