It’s never too early or too late to bring a Creative Grief Coach along on your grief journey. Get in touch when you’re ready. I’m here to help you honour your grief and reimagine your future.
Email: [email protected]
After our initial contact by email, I’ll reach out to schedule time for a phone conversation. If you’re the proactive type, you may also fill in the intake form, which will give me more to go on before we speak.
Your answers to the questions on the intake form will help me determine how I can support you and make sure you’ll get what you need from the services I offer. You don’t need to complete the intake form if you want to engage me in writing or ritual planning services. I’ll learn what I need to know during one or more supportive conversations with you.
Location: Port Dover, Ontario, which is a tourist destination on the north shore of Lake Erie. The Loss Art operates out of my beautiful lakeside home. Gatherings are facilitated onsite. I’m also available to come to you!
Note: The Loss Art doesn’t provide crisis support. Please allow 1 to 2 business days for replies – if I’m away for more than a few days you’ll get an automated response, so you know when you’ll hear from me. If you don’t hear back when you expect to, feel free to get in touch again. You’re contacting an imperfect human being here!